Managed fund offer fees

Fees are charged for each fund, multi-fund investment option or life-cycle stage ​within an offer

For managed fund offers, registration fees and levies paid to the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) are charged for each fund, multi-fund investment option or life-cycle stage within an offer.

Fees that apply to managed fund offers

All fees are in New Zealand dollars (NZD).

The fees shown below are effective from 1 July 2022.

Service Companies Office fee
excl GST
FMA levy excl GST Total excl GST Total
incl GST
Register an offer
(for each fund, multi-fund investment option or life-cycle stage within the offer)

  • the offer has 1 fund = $1,589
  • the offer has 4 funds = $6,356
$521.74 $860 $1,381.74 $1,589
Add a new fund to an existing offer
(for each new fund, multi-fund investment option or life-cycle stage within the existing offer)

  • 1 new fund has been added = $1,589
  • 3 new funds have been added = $4,767
$521.74 $860 $1,381.74 $1,589
File an annual confirmation notice
(for each fund, multi-fund investment option or life-cycle stage open, closed to new investors or closed to all investment on confirmation date within the offer)

  • the offer has 1 fund = $600
  • the offer has 4 funds = $2,400
$521.74 N/A $521.74 $600
File issuer financial statements
(per set of statements)
$175 $80 $255 $293.25

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