Overseas offers fees

Online transactions for which you'll need to pay a fee

Overseas offers into New Zealand

Offers under the Australian recognition regime

If you're an offeror making an offer under the Australian recognition regime, there are no fees payable to register your offer on the Disclose Register, and you're not required to register financial statements in New Zealand.

Offers under the Asia Region Funds Passport

Some online transactions, such as registering an overseas offer under the Asia Region Funds Passport, have a fee attached.

All fees are in NZ dollars (NZD).

The fees below above are effective from 1 July 2022.

Service Companies Office fee
excl GST
FMA levy excl GST Total excl GST Total
incl GST

Register a foreign passport fund offer under the Asia Region Funds Passport
(for each fund within the offer).


  • the offer has 1 fund = $1,589
  • the offer has 4 funds = $6,356
$521.74 $860 $1,381.74 $1,589

File an annual confirmation notice (for each open fund)


  • the offer has 1 fund = $600
  • the offer has 4 funds = $2,400
$521.74 N/A $521.74 $600

Related information

More 'Disclose Register fees and levies' guides:

All help topics

Searching Disclose 2 guides

You don't need to log in to search the Disclose Register.

Disclose Register fees and levies 6 guides

Managing your online services account 7 guides

To register and maintain offers and schemes on the Disclose Register your organisation must have an online services account. You can control who has authority to access and use the account on your behalf.