Keeping debt, equity and derivatives details up to date
The issuer is responsible for keeping offer information up to date
Each year an annual confirmation notice and financial statements may need to be registered. Some debt securities offers may also need to provide Non-Bank Deposit Taker (NBDT) information. We'll email you when these are due.
You may have other compliance obligations — if you're unsure , check with your legal adviser or the Financial Markets Authority website.
Who can update offer details
To update offer details you must:
- have a RealMe® login
- be a registered user of your organisation's online services account
- have authority to act.
Update offer details
To update offer details, log in to your organisation's online services account and follow these steps.
- Search for the offer you want to update
- Under the Offer maintenance services drop-down menu select Maintain offer.
- Make the required changes.You can, for example:
- open or close your offer
- change the status of your PDS
- add or remove participants
- change the name of your offer
- upload new documents and archive existing ones.
All documents appearing on the Disclose Register must first be accepted by us. We aim to process all updates the day they are submitted, however this might not always be possible and may take up to 3 working days.
Once your documents have been accepted, they're publicly available on the Disclose Register.
Updating participant details
Changes to participant details, such as a name or address for service, must be made to the participant record on either:
- a Companies Office register, where the participant is a company, credit union, overseas issuer, etc, or
- the Other Participants directory, where the participant is an individual, board of trustees, etc.
Correct data entry errors
If you register an offer and later realise there are data entry errors in the information you provided, log in your organisation's online services account and follow these steps.
- Search for the offer.
- Under the Offer maintenance services drop-down menu select Maintain offer.
Most fields within the register can be edited and any changes you make will be applied as soon as you make the change.
More 'Debt and equity securities, and derivatives offers' guides:
- Debt and equity securities, and derivatives offers registration process Information and documents to provide when registering an offer.
- Debt and equity securities, and derivatives offers fees Some online transactions, such as registering an offer, have a fee attached.
- Filing annual confirmation notices When you need to file an annual confirmation notice for an offer.
- Filing manager financial statements Find out when you need to file financial statements for an offer.
- Filing additional NBDT financial information Licensed Non-Bank Deposit Takers with a registered offer must file additional financial information.
- Uploading debt, equity and derivatives documents Our guidelines for preparing and uploading documents, including PDS.
- Withdrawing or finalising offers Find out how to withdraw an offer before it opens, or finalise one that's no longer active.
- Debt, equity and derivatives legislative reference guides These guides relate to your online application to register an offer.
Other guides in
Debt and equity securities, and derivatives offers
- Debt and equity securities, and derivatives offers registration process
- Debt and equity securities, and derivatives offers fees
- Filing annual confirmation notices
- Filing manager financial statements
- Filing additional NBDT financial information
- Uploading debt, equity and derivatives documents
- Withdrawing or finalising offers
- Debt, equity and derivatives legislative reference guides