Filing annual reports

Prepare your report within 4 months and 28 working days of balance date

You'll receive reminders from us when your scheme's annual report is due (within 4 months and 28 working days of the scheme's financial reporting balance date). Once you provide the annual report to us, you should receive a decision from us within 3 working days. When it's accepted, we'll advise the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).

Who can file an annual report

To file an annual report you must:

  • have a RealMe® login
  • be a registered user of your organisation's online services account
  • have confirmed authority to act.

Checking your annual report

Review your annual report before providing it to us, and make sure you're only including the information that's required.

Once your annual report has been accepted by us, it will be publicly available on the Disclose Register.

We may need more information

If we're unable to accept the annual report, for example, an incorrect document has been uploaded, we'll email you.

The 'In progress' section of your Dashboard will show the status of your annual report as 'Revise'.

You'll have 5 working days to make any corrections and return the application to us via your Dashboard to avoid paying the fee twice.

We may not accept for some reason

Make sure you double-check all your information. If your annual report is rejected, this will mean completing a new application and paying the fee again.

Filing annual reports on time

If the annual report isn't provided on time, we'll place a non-compliance alert against the scheme and we'll advise FMA that it's overdue.

We can't waive breaches or grant extensions in filing time. If you want to discuss late or overdue filing contact the FMA.

More 'Managed investment schemes' guides:

All help topics

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You don't need to log in to search the Disclose Register.

Disclose Register fees and levies 6 guides

Managing your online services account 7 guides

To register and maintain offers and schemes on the Disclose Register your organisation must have an online services account. You can control who has authority to access and use the account on your behalf.